
Mike McDivitt
White's Jr/Sr High School serves the students that are placed at Josiah White's. Most of our students arrive behind on credits needed to earn a diploma and generally with a negative perception about school. Our staff creates an environment where all of our students have an opportunity to experience success in school; potentially for the first time. We provide just the right blend of compassion and high standards to help move our students to high levels of academic achievement. Our class sizes are small (1:8) which provides individualized attention for students and accountability to remain focused on classwork.
Our student population averages about 80 students at any given moment; however, we service approximately 160 students throughout the year as we constantly have students arriving and exiting campus. This also means we have students graduating at various times throughout the year. Due to this arrangement, we schedule graduation programs each month for students that have earned their diploma. We invite families to campus on these days to celebrate these achievements.
This work wouldn't be possible without our amazing staff. Our school has nine certified teachers, a certified school counselor, a school librarian, three highly qualified classroom instructors and five additional support staff personnel to make our school work. We are a close-knit staff that all share a common focus to create an environment where students can thrive in school. It is my honor to work with such a professional, hard working staff.
I arrived at White's Jr/Sr High School in the summer of 2019 after having served as principal in three different high schools since 2006. (Union City, Oak Hill and Western High Schools). My wife (Lori) teaches 7th grade science at Oak Hill Junior High and together we have seven children ranging in ages from 18 to 27. I enjoy gardening and working on our family fleet of cars. Professionally, I love serving the staff and students at White's. Every student has a great potential within them; it's our goal to help them find that potential.
Dreaming Big and Working Hard.
Mike McDivitt Principal
White's Jr/Sr High School